Top "Cucumber" questions

Cucumber is a Behavior Driven Development (BDD) tool that executes functional descriptions written in plain text (structured in the simple Gherkin language) as automated tests.

Running Cucumber tests directly from executable jar

I have a project with cucumber and maven also I am using the JUnit. I am able to run and …

maven cucumber cucumber-jvm cucumber-junit cucumber-java
Java Cucumber: How to get string parameter values from all the steps in a single scenario

I'm looking for a way to get all the parameters that are being passed in each step before entering the …

cucumber gherkin cucumber-java feature-file
Cucumber class extending step definitions and hooks

I want to extend from a "AbstractBase_step" class in java. So I want to have a hook like: public …

java cucumber hook extend
Cucumber vs Capybara

Can someone explain the difference between these two platforms? Are both part of BDD but why should I use one …

testing rubygems cucumber capybara bdd
How do you mark a Cucumber Scenario as Pending

How do I mark a cucumber scenario as pending so it doesn't get counted as a passed? Scenario: Guest should …

ruby rspec cucumber
Cucumber with TestNG

We have a very extensive framework in TestNG with Selenium WebDriver and I want to be able to continue using …

cucumber bdd testng
Dynamic data in Cucumber tables

I have a Cucumber table, one of the fields is a date which I would like to have populated with …

cucumber bdd
Cucumber HTML report with Protractor

I am using Protractor with Cucumber (js). I would like to generate report files just like with the Cucumber-JVM version. …

report cucumber reporting protractor cucumberjs
Is there a way to directly generate Step Definitions in Eclipse without Running Cucumber?

Im doing integration testing with cucumber and Gradle in Eclipse. For now my workflow is Write a feature file Run …

java eclipse cucumber cucumber-jvm gherkin
Cucumber / Capybara -- how to get the host and port of the current execution

I need to download a csv file from my app using Open::URI and to do that I need to …

ruby-on-rails selenium cucumber capybara