CSS transforms allow elements styled with CSS to be transformed in two-dimensional or three-dimensional space
http://jsfiddle.net/chovy/enmxu/ <a href="#">Inbox</a> a { text-decoration: none; } a::after { content: ' ⇧…
css css-transformsI want to scale(x,y) my <a> element when I click on it, but it doesn't work. …
html css css-transformsI’m trying to wrap my tiny brain around 3D CSS transforms, and I‘m having trouble understanding what the …
css 3d css-transformsI am using css transform scale to create a smooth zoom on a div. The problem is that I want …
javascript jquery css javascript-events css-transformsI searched online and found several materials, but none of them illustrated this concept clearly, at least for me. For …
css perspective css-transformsLive example: https://jsfiddle.net/b8vLg0ny/ It's possible to use the CSS scale and translate functions to zoom …
javascript html css css-transforms scaletransformIs it possible to specify an origin at the top left (0%, 0%) for scaling, and a different origin (center) for rotation …
css webkit css-transformsI'm having trouble getting CSS3 2D Transforms to work in Android 2.3 with any browser that uses the default webkit engine (…
android css css-transforms mobile-webkit webkit-transform