Top "Css-transforms" questions

CSS transforms allow elements styled with CSS to be transformed in two-dimensional or three-dimensional space

jQuery Drag/Resize with CSS Transform Scale

I am applying a CSS transform (and the browser specific -webkit, -o etc): transform: matrix(0.5 , 0 , 0, 0.5, 0 , 0); to a div then using …

javascript jquery css jquery-ui css-transforms
CSS3 transform rotate causing 1px shift in Chrome

I'm having an issue in chrome with a css3 transform rotate transition. The transition is working fine but just after …

google-chrome css css-transitions css-transforms
How can I apply multiple transform declarations to one element?

I have an element with two classes, one called "rotate" that will rotate the element 360 degrees and another called "doublesize" …

css css-transforms
3D CSS transform, jagged edges in Firefox

Similary to "css transform, jagged edges in chrome", same occurs with Firefox on 3D transforms, eg:…

css firefox antialiasing css-transforms
How can I use CSS3 transform on a span?

I have a inline element (a <span>) nested in a <h1> tag. I applied a transform …

css css-transforms
Why is backface-visibility hidden not working in IE10 when perspective is applied to parent elements?

Ok, so here's another IE10 glitch. The problem is that applying perspective on parent elements breaks the backface-visibility hidden setting. …

css css-transforms internet-explorer-10
CSS3 Translate across an Arc

Is it at all possible with current CSS3 to translate an object (specifically a DIV) along an arc or curve? …

css css-transitions translate css-transforms
Scale/zoom a DOM element and the space it occupies using CSS3 transform scale()

In the middle of my page I have a div element with some content in it (other divs, images, whatever). &…

html css scale css-transforms
css3 transform reverts position: fixed

When using a css3 transform(), position: fixed does not apply. I made a fully working jsFiddle showing the issue: http://…

css css-transforms
CSS transforms VS transitions

What are the key differences between CSS transformations and transitions? Both of those are used to change current shape/state …

css css-transitions css-transforms