Cross Site Request Forgery is a malicious attack to exploit a website's trust in a user's browser.
I'm making a simple authentication system using Playframework with their built-in CSRF filter and Security.Authenticator system, but I'm facing …
playframework csrf playframework-2.3In Cakephp3 when the Csrf component is enabled. How I can use it in ajax call. In this beforeSend parameter …
ajax cakephp csrf cakephp-3.xRails automatically adds CSRF protection to all forms by default by adding an authentication_token to all forms generated by …
jquery ruby-on-rails csrfI am using Laravel with default integration of Vue (Not separate project using Vue CLI). I'm trying to authenticate a …
laravel vue.js single-page-application csrf laravel-sanctumI have a react component in my rails app where I'm trying to use fetch() to send a POST to …
ruby-on-rails reactjs csrf protect-from-forgeryThere are many tutorials where is shown how to disable csrf, csrf().disable() (and other possibilities like .properties, .yml, etc.) …
java spring spring-boot spring-security csrfIm implementing oauth login with facebook and devise and When returning from accepting the app (the popup) i get the …
ruby-on-rails oauth devise csrf facebook-oauthI've started new django project and enabled admin app. I can login to admin site but when I'm trying to …
python django csrf django-csrf