Top "Csrf" questions

Cross Site Request Forgery is a malicious attack to exploit a website's trust in a user's browser.

Playframework with CSRF : "CSRF token not found in session"?

I'm making a simple authentication system using Playframework with their built-in CSRF filter and Security.Authenticator system, but I'm facing …

playframework csrf playframework-2.3
How to define CSRF token in ajax call in Cakephp 3. Also How CSRF can be off for some ajax requests

In Cakephp3 when the Csrf component is enabled. How I can use it in ajax call. In this beforeSend parameter …

ajax cakephp csrf cakephp-3.x
Is CSRF Protection necessary on a sign-up form?

Rails automatically adds CSRF protection to all forms by default by adding an authentication_token to all forms generated by …

jquery ruby-on-rails csrf
Symfony 1.4: Custom error message for CSRF in forms

Can anyone tell me where/how to customise the CSRF token error message for forms in Symfony 1.4. I'm using sfDoctrineGuard …

forms symfony1 csrf sfguard
CSRF with REST API laravel

I am new in laravel. I want to create REST API's with Laravel, I have used Dingo for it. Now …

rest laravel-5 csrf dingo-api
Laravel 7 Vue 2 Sanctum Login Error 419; CSRF Token Mismatch

I am using Laravel with default integration of Vue (Not separate project using Vue CLI). I'm trying to authenticate a …

laravel vue.js single-page-application csrf laravel-sanctum
Can't verify CSRF token authenticity Rails/React

I have a react component in my rails app where I'm trying to use fetch() to send a POST to …

ruby-on-rails reactjs csrf protect-from-forgery
What is the reason to disable csrf in spring boot web application?

There are many tutorials where is shown how to disable csrf, csrf().disable() (and other possibilities like .properties, .yml, etc.) …

java spring spring-boot spring-security csrf
Ruby on Rails Devise Oauth-facebook OmniAuth::Strategies::OAuth2::CallbackError

Im implementing oauth login with facebook and devise and When returning from accepting the app (the popup) i get the …

ruby-on-rails oauth devise csrf facebook-oauth
Django admin raises CSRF verification failed

I've started new django project and enabled admin app. I can login to admin site but when I'm trying to …

python django csrf django-csrf