Top "Crt" questions

For issues relating to utilizing the C runtime library.

How do I get the file HANDLE from the fopen FILE structure?

The fopen function returns a pointer to a FILE structure, which should be considered an opaque value, without dealing with …

c winapi windows-ce msvcrt crt
How can I resolve this link error in Visual Studio (LNK2005)?

I keep having linker errors of the following form: libcmtd.dll msvmrtd.dll some element(ex: _mkdir ) already defined... and …

visual-c++ visual-studio-2005 msvcrt crt
C++ - Memory leak testing with _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks() - Does not output line numbers

I'm working on a game with SDL in Visual Studio 2010. I came across the _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks() macro and thought I'd give …

c++ visual-studio memory-leaks crt
Unresolved ___stdio_common_vsprintf_s, what library has this?

I'm using VS2015 Community. I have obtained some C code that I'm trying to build. It is all in C …

c visual-studio-2015 crt
How to get RSA key from -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- from.crt and .pem file?

I'm having .crt and .pem file with -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIFSDCCBDCg........................................ -----END CERTIFICATE----- and I want RSA key from this file. …

ssl key pem crt
How to resolve crt0.o linking issue in cross compiling?

How to add ctr0.o ? I get this error: yagarto-4.7.2/bin/arm-none-eabi-ld: cannot find crt0.o: No such file or …

gcc arm cross-compiling raspberry-pi crt
OpenSSL, Converting CRT to PEM

I've been trying to use openssl to convert a .crt certificate to a .pem openssl.exe x509 -in server.crt …

ssl openssl certificate pem crt
How to I update my C++ project in Visual Studio 2015 to use the new Universal CRT?

After VS2015 updated my project to the new Platform toolset v140, it fails to build due to a linker error : …

c++ visual-studio-2015 crt
timegm cross platform

I'm using Visual Studio c++ Compiler ( 2010 ), but the library has different implementation of ANSI C and POSIX libraries function. What …

c++ visual-c++ msvcrt crt
crt0.o and crt1.o -- What's the difference?

Recently I've been trying to debug some low-level work and I could not find the crt0.S for the compiler (…

c gcc linker crt avr-gcc