Top "Crosstab" questions

A cross tab, also known as a "pivot table", is a method of summarizing data in tabular form.

Transpose rows and columns (a.k.a. pivot) only with a minimum COUNT()?

Here's my table 'tab_test': year animal price 2000 kittens 79 2000 kittens 93 2000 kittens 100 2000 puppies 15 2000 puppies 32 2001 kittens 31 2001 kittens 17 2001 puppies 65 2001 puppies 48 2002 kittens 84 2002 kittens 86 2002 puppies 15 2002 …

sql postgresql pivot crosstab
How is a Pandas crosstab different from a Pandas pivot_table?

Both the pandas.crosstab and the Pandas pivot table seem to provide the exact same functionality. Are there any differences?

pandas numpy scipy pivot-table crosstab
How to use two different functions within crosstab/pivot_table in pandas?

Using pandas, is it possible to compute a single cross-tabulation (or pivot table) containing values calculated from two different functions? …

python merge pandas pivot-table crosstab
How do I achieve a pivot report in Crystal Reports for Visual Studio?

I am a rank noob at any reporting but horizontal lines with sub-totals. I have a dataset that comprises the …

crystal-reports reporting crosstab
Add "Total" per row and column in Crystal Reports without CrossTab

I have a simple question. Suppose I have a Stored Proceudre that returns a table with the following columns: (Item, …

database stored-procedures crystal-reports crystal-reports-2008 crosstab
Enable grow of cross tab in crystal report

I am using a Cross-Tab object in crystal report. I am having problem making my data column (Field Row) to …

crystal-reports formatting word-wrap crosstab
Crosstab column group sorting

I am trying to sort the column group in crosstab but iReport is applying its own sorting by name ascending. …

sorting jasper-reports ireport crosstab
How to pass parameters in crosstab?

Can anyone tell me, how to pass parameters to crosstab?

jasper-reports crosstab
TSQL - Unpivot multiple columns

How can I unpivot multiple columns in "one"? Right now I have an unpivot for each column but this creates …

sql-server tsql pivot crosstab unpivot
How to pivot or crosstab in postgresql without writing a function?

I have a dataset that looks something like this: I'd like to aggregate all co values on one row, so …

postgresql pivot crosstab