Top "Crosstab" questions

A cross tab, also known as a "pivot table", is a method of summarizing data in tabular form.

Pivot on Multiple Columns using Tablefunc

Has anyone used tablefunc to pivot on multiple variables as opposed to only using row name? The documentation notes: The "…

sql postgresql pivot crosstab
How to replace nulls with zeros in postgresql crosstabs

I've a product table with product_id and 100+ attributes. The product_id is text whereas the attribute columns are integer, …

postgresql null zero crosstab
Dynamically generate columns for crosstab in PostgreSQL

I am trying to create crosstab queries in PostgreSQL such that it automatically generates the crosstab columns instead of hardcoding …

postgresql plpgsql dynamic-sql postgresql-9.1 crosstab
Crosstab with multiple items

In SPSS, it is (relatively) easy to create a cross tab with multiple variables using the factors (or values) as …

r crosstab categorical-data
How to run RAW SQL query in PhalconPHP

I try to get result from this query $sql = " SET @col = NULL; SET @sql = NULL; Select Group_Concat(Distinct Concat( …

php mysql crosstab phalcon
Crystal Reports crosstab

I am new to crystal reports so this might be novice to you. I have created a cross tab with …

crystal-reports crosstab
Postgres: \copy syntax error in .sql file

I'm trying to write a script that copies data from a crosstab query to a .csv file in Postgres 8.4. I …

postgresql csv crosstab
How can I sort the columns in a crosstab query, when the column data is dynamic?

I've been doing a bit of research on this topic and I can't seem either find a workable solution, or …

ms-access sorting ms-access-2010 crosstab
Error incrementing crosstab dataset

I have a data source that is composed of object { groupName, rowName, colName, value }. I'm trying to put the fields …

jasper-reports grouping crosstab
Dynamic pivot query using PostgreSQL 9.3

I have a table named as Product: create table product ( ProductNumber varchar(10), ProductName varchar(10), SalesQuantity int, Salescountry varchar(10) ); Sample values: …

postgresql pivot crosstab postgresql-9.3