Top "Crash-log" questions

How to Manually Symbolicate iOS Crash to View Crash Logs

Trying to debug app. The trouble is I cannot find this program. sudo cp /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/…

iphone ios ipad symbolicatecrash crash-log
how to set location of jvm crash log files

I need to configure where the jvm crash logs are created. I like the name they have (hs_err_pid.…

java jvm crash-log
How to manually symbolicate a crash log with atos

After searching all over the internet to find a way to symbolicate my crash logs I received from Apple, I …

xcode terminal memory-address symbolicatecrash crash-log
How to decode a Crash log using dSYM file in iOS?

My iOS application crashed. I would like to read the crash log with the dSYM file. How is it possible?

ios crash crash-log
How to read crash log? How to find why the app crashes in system library? What means EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)?

I got an crash logs from a customer to figure why my app crash on her iPhone. Here some info …

iphone nsnumber sigabrt crash-log
How to get crash logs of Testflight external testers on Xcode or iTunes connect?

Is there any ways to know what's wrong with someone's app. It is working on everyone else's device but this …

ios testflight crash-log
What's going wrong in this crash log

So i have this crash log from my application. I don't have much experience in reading such logs :( Could someone …

objective-c crash-log
iPhone App Quits on Launch Without Crash Log

My application runs fine on 3.0 devices and on 3.1 devices when launched via Xcode, but crashes on startup when run on …

iphone crash crash-log