Top "Cornerstone" questions

Cornerstone is a Subversion client application for the Mac that has a full range of features including traditional Subversion functions and a built in diff tool.

Can I delete a commit in Subversion?

Per accident I committed twice because I forgot to add two files. Can I remove a specific commit from the …

svn version-control commit cornerstone
Cornerstone vs Versions for Mac OS X

I've been using svn on the command line for 5+ years, but I'm thinking of switching to GUI. The two kings …

svn macos versions cornerstone
Subversion: Working copy is old development version

I'm developing on OSX, and one of my Subversion working copies just started returning the following error for all commands, …

macos svn cornerstone
Cornerstone SVN Error - Cant commit files

Do users under passwd in subversion have certain permissions? I can download all the files from my subversion repository using …

svn version-control cornerstone