Top "Core-graphics" questions

Core Graphics is Apple's framework for low-level drawing operations on Mac OS X and iOS.

How to draw a gradient line (fading in/out) with Core Graphics/iPhone?

I know how to draw a simple line: CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(context, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); CGContextMoveToPoint(context, x, y); CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, x2, y2); CGContextStrokePath(context); …

iphone core-graphics draw gradient
How do I add a gradient to the text of a UILabel, but not the background?

hey, I want to be able to have a gradient fill on the text in a UILabel I know about …

iphone objective-c core-graphics uilabel gradient
One step affine transform for rotation around a point?

How can I make a Core Graphics affine transform for rotation around a point x,y of angle a, using …

ios math core-graphics cgaffinetransform
Create and export an animated gif via iOS?

I have a series of user-customized images within an iOS app that are being animated in a simple, frame-by-frame flip …

ios objective-c swift core-graphics animated-gif
How to fill a path with gradient in drawRect:?

filling a path with a solid color is easy enough: CGPoint aPoint; for (id pointValue in points) { aPoint = [pointValue CGPointValue]; …

iphone core-graphics quartz-graphics drawrect
How to create a colored 1x1 UIImage on the iPhone dynamically?

I would like to create a 1x1 UIImage dynamically based on a UIColor. I suspect this can quickly be done …

ios uiimage core-graphics quartz-graphics
How to draw a smooth circle with CAShapeLayer and UIBezierPath?

I am attempting to draw a stroked circle by using a CAShapeLayer and setting a circular path on it. However, …

ios uikit core-graphics calayer cashapelayer
How to make a dashed line in swift?

I want to know how to make a dashed line in swift like this: - - - - - - …

ios iphone swift core-graphics line
Problem setting exif data for an image

I'm using the new ImageIO framework in iOS 4.1. I successfully retrieve the exif metadata using the following: CFDictionaryRef metadataDict = CMGetAttachment(…

iphone macos core-graphics exif javax.imageio
How to make one color transparent on a UIImage?

On my iPhone app I have a UIImage instance. I want to get a derived a UIImage that is the …

iphone cocoa-touch image core-graphics