Top "Copying" questions

This tag refers to the process of making an exact duplicate of a file, database, etc.

getting list without k'th element efficiently and non-destructively

I have a list in python and I'd like to iterate through it, and selectively construct a list that contains …

python list copying
Oracle SQL: Transferring tables from one user to another

I created a new user called temp, with a password temp. I have another user called Scott that is identified …

oracle sqlplus user-profile copying
MySQL copy a user

I want to create two users on my MySQL test database, One with read-only access to tables relevant to generating …

mysql permissions copying
Overwrite file in copying IF content to of them not the same

I have a lot of files from one side (A) and a lot of other files in other place (B) …

linux deployment console copying mc
copy the symbolic link in Solaris

I am trying to copy a link on Solaris OS but find that it does not simply copy the link …

solaris symlink copying
Copying array to a structure

I have an array of 9 bytes and I want to copy these bytes to a structure : #include<stdio.h&…

c arrays memory structure copying
C# memcpy equivalent

I have 2 objects from the same type and i would like to shallow copy one state to the other. In …

c# serialization copying
cudaMallocHost vs malloc for better performance shows no difference

I have gone through this site. From here I got that pinned memory using cudamallocHost gives better performance than cudamalloc. …

optimization cuda timing copying benchmarking
copying the contents of a binary file

I am designing an image decoder and as a first step I tried to just copy the using c. i.…

c filehandle copying
Why is copying files locally on a remote machine so slow?

Let's say I have \machinename\dll. I open \machinename in Windows Explorer and do a copy/paste on the dll …

performance file copying