Top "Copying" questions

This tag refers to the process of making an exact duplicate of a file, database, etc.

NSFileManager - Copying Files at Startup

I need to copy a few sample files from my app's resource folder and place them in my app's document …

iphone cocoa document nsfilemanager copying
How to clone Image?

I have an Image. I need to make a exactly copy of it and save it to BufferedImage, but there …

java performance image clone copying
How to Copy from IPython session without terminal prompts

Frequently, my workflow involves data cleaning/munging in an IPython shell. This has become particularly wonderful since IPython version 5.0 with …

python ipython copying
Android SQLite copy table to another table

I want to implement delete column in Android's SQLite. I want to make table copy without desired column, than delete …

android sqlite copying database-table
prevent accidental object copying in C++

In our company's coding standard, we have been told to "be aware of the ways (accidental) copying can be prevented". …

c++ copying
Copying an NSArray with mutable copies of the original elements

I am creating an array of dictionaries in a class. I want to return a copy of that array to …

objective-c cocoa nsmutablearray nsarray copying
R: How can a function accept variable arguments using ellipsis (...) without copying them in memory?

[EDIT: The issue prompting this workaround has been fixed since R 3.1.0.] I was asked elsewhere to post this as a …

r memory arguments ellipsis copying