Top "Conways-game-of-life" questions

The Game of Life, also known simply as Life, is a cellular automaton devised by the British mathematician John Horton Conway in 1970.

Attribute error: Object has no attribute Python

I am trying to program a version of conway's game of life however I keep getting the message 'Cell' Object …

python tkinter attributeerror conways-game-of-life
Please help with my basic java implementation of Conway's game of life

I have spent quite a while trying to write a program to implement Conway's game of life - Link with …

java conways-game-of-life
How to declare a two-dimensional array in Ruby

I want a twodimensional array in Ruby, that I can access for example like this: if @array[x][y] == "1" then @…

ruby arrays multidimensional-array matrix conways-game-of-life
Code Golf: Conway's Game of Life

The Challenge: Write the shortest program that implements John H. Conway's Game of Life cellular automaton. [link] EDIT: After about …

language-agnostic code-golf rosetta-stone conways-game-of-life
Game of Life Assignment

My board correctly detects groups with less than 3 neighbors and kills them off, but doesn't seem to detect and give …

java conways-game-of-life
Conway's Game of Life with Python

I took a liking to Conway's Game of Life and began to try and write it in python. At this …

python conways-game-of-life
Game Of Life Java - Counting neighbors with 2D arrays and for loops

I am currently working on the Conway's Game of life program in Eclipse with @Test cases. All of my methods …

java arrays for-loop conways-game-of-life
Temporary Array

I'm writing a program based on John Conway's Game of Life. I got it to compile and Even run after …

java arrays conways-game-of-life
another Game of Life question (infinite grid)?

I have been playing around with Conway's Game of life and recently discovered some amazingly fast implementations such as Hashlife …

algorithm data-structures sparse-matrix cellular-automata conways-game-of-life