Top "Converters" questions

Converters can change data from one type to another, translate data based on cultural information, or modify other aspects of presentation.

How to convert String List to String in flutter?

I need to convert List into a string in the dart. I want to extract the value of the list …

list flutter dart converters
How to convert a PDF into JPG with command line in Linux?

What are fast and reliable ways for converting a PDF into a (single) JPEG using the command line on Linux?

linux pdf jpeg converters
Converter to show description of an enum, and convert back to enum value on selecting an item from combo box in wpf

I am using an enum to enlist values in my combobox. I want to write a converter that would show …

c# .net wpf enums converters
How to bind to a StaticResource with a Converter?

I want to use a Converter to change the value of a StaticResource before assigning it to a property. Is …

wpf xaml staticresource converters
Using Value Converters in WPF without having to define them as resources first

Is it possible to use value converters without having to define them beforehand as resources? Right now I have <…

c# wpf data-binding converters
How to convert a .pptx to .pdf using Python

I have been looking to convert a .pptx file to a .pdf file through a Python script for several hours …

python windows pdf powerpoint converters
How perform calculation on a XAML Binding value: reverse it, multiply it, subtract from it or add to it?

First; the question is rhetorical, I have an answer! I have gotten so much help from looking here that I …

wpf xaml binding converters
How to return specific date format as JSON in Grails?

In Grails, you can use the JSON converters to do this in the controller: render Book.list() as JSON The …

json grails groovy converters
Bind Image.Source according to Boolean without a converter?

I want to have an image bound to a boolean and have the source of the image to depend on …

wpf binding conditional boolean-expression converters
How can I convert a string of numbers to an array or vector of integers in Rust?

I'm writing on STDIN a string of numbers (e.g 4 10 30 232312) and I want to read that and convert to an …

arrays string rust converters