Using Value Converters in WPF without having to define them as resources first

devoured elysium picture devoured elysium · Feb 21, 2010 · Viewed 18.1k times · Source

Is it possible to use value converters without having to define them beforehand as resources?

Right now I have

    <local:TrivialFormatter x:Key="trivialFormatter" />


<Button Width="{Binding Width, 
               Converter={StaticResource trivialFormatter}}">

Wouldn't it be possible that instead of having to declare the trivialFormatter resource in Window.Resources, I could directly refer it from the Button's width binding? Something like

Converter = {local:TrivialFormatter}



micahtan picture micahtan · Feb 21, 2010

In the case of singleton-type IValueConverters (e.g. they don't need any state from the current binding instance) I use static converters, i.e.:

Converter={x:Static SomeNamespace:SomeConverter.Instance}

There's also a great post by Dr. WPF on using a markup extension to make it cleaner inline here.