How to convert a .pptx to .pdf using Python

user238469 picture user238469 · Jul 18, 2015 · Viewed 17.2k times · Source

I have been looking to convert a .pptx file to a .pdf file through a Python script for several hours but nothing seems to be working.

What I have tried: I have tried 1) this script which calls windows32.client, and 2) unoconv, but none of them seem to be working for me.

Problems encountered: Using script from first option throws up an error (com_error: (-2147352567, 'Exception occurred.', (0, None, None, None, 0, -2147024894), None)), whereas in second option Python can't seem to recognize unoconv even after installing it using pip.

I also saw some recommended Pandoc, but I can't understand how to use it for Python.

Versions I am using: Python 2.7.9, Windows 8.1


user238469 picture user238469 · Jul 25, 2015

I found the answer with the help of this post and the answer from this question.

Note that comtypes is only available for Windows. Other platforms will not support this.

import comtypes.client

def PPTtoPDF(inputFileName, outputFileName, formatType = 32):
    powerpoint = comtypes.client.CreateObject("Powerpoint.Application")
    powerpoint.Visible = 1

    if outputFileName[-3:] != 'pdf':
        outputFileName = outputFileName + ".pdf"
    deck = powerpoint.Presentations.Open(inputFileName)
    deck.SaveAs(outputFileName, formatType) # formatType = 32 for ppt to pdf