A controller is responsible for executing a sequence of instructions in response to some stimulus (maybe a command, action, or event).
I am trying to understand in Ext JS 4 (MVC) how event handling on buttons, comboboxes and similar work. Specifically, I …
model-view-controller events extjs controller extjs4Here is a sample action filter. We know that when we write an action filter then we need to decorate …
asp.net-mvc controller attributes action-filterI have the common MVC situation in my PHP system: the Controller receive a request from the View containing $_POST …
php model-view-controller post controllerI'm running the equivalent of this code in lots and lots of controller actions, basically it grabs the user's username, …
symfony service controller fosuserbundleI've defined this method in my Spring MVC Controller : @RequestMapping(value = "{id}/content", method=RequestMethod.POST) @PreAuthorize("principal.user.userAccount …
spring-mvc junit controller spring-security spring-elIf you create CRUD-code for an entity in Symfony2 using the console, you will end up with a very basic …
symfony controller crud confirmI'm working on a rails project in which I use CanCan to authorize my resources. When a user is not …
rspec controller cancan rspec-railsI get so parameters in @Controller @RequestMapping method: @ModelAttribute("myCandidate") @Valid Candidate myCandidate, BindingResult result How can I explicit specify …
java spring spring-mvc controllerI'm using a masterpage in my ASP.NET MVC project. This masterpage expects some ViewData to be present, which displays …
asp.net-mvc controller master-pagesHow can a parameter from an URL be read within an AngularJS controller? Let's say I have an URL like …
variables angularjs controller routes url-parameters