Top "Controller" questions

A controller is responsible for executing a sequence of instructions in response to some stimulus (maybe a command, action, or event).

How to get list of controllers and actions in ruby on rails?

In rails, I can get the name of the current controller via controller_name and the current action by calling …

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 reflection methods controller
JavaFX - How to use a method in a controller from another controller?

Working with SceneBuilder. I have 2 stages, each one with a controller: stage1Controller,stage2Controller. Stage1Controller : public class Stage1…

java javafx controller javafx-8 scenebuilder
Keep value in model attribute for spring mvc

When I'm using a Spring MVC controller and I submit a form by setting value to the modelAttribute I lose …

forms spring controller spring-form
ASP.NET MVC Programmatically Get a List of Controllers

In ASP.NET MVC is there a way to enumerate the controllers through code and get their name? example: AccountController … controller
SignalR MVC 5 Websocket no valid Credentials

i try to use SignalR in MVC Application. It works well but i get the following Error in the Chrome …

jquery controller signalr owin
AngularJS, ui.router, load template and controller based on user role

I have developed a Single Page App that uses a REST api. Users are required to login to access the …

angularjs templates controller angular-ui-router user-roles
How do I generate a controller spec using rspec?

I'm integrating devise_invitable into my application and I had to write a custom controller - InvitationsController - to override …

ruby-on-rails-3 rspec controller rails-generate
PHP Slim Framework Create Controller

I am creating an API using the Slim framework. Currently I use a single file to create the route and …

php controller slim slim-3
Spring Boot : Custom Validation in Request Params

I want to validate one of the request parameters in my controller . The request parameter should be from one of …

spring-boot validation controller spring-annotations http-request-parameters