Top "Contextual-action-bar" questions

The contextual action bar (CAB) is a temporary action bar that overlays the app's current action bar while data is selected.

Custom cut/copy action bar for EditText that shows text selection handles

I have an app where I want to be able to show a TextView (or EditText) that allows the user …

android android-edittext textview contextual-action-bar
How to select an ListView item after long click?

I've got a silly little problem. I've registered a ListFragment both as OnItemClickListener and OnItemLongClickListener of its own ListView. When …

android android-listview selection onitemclicklistener contextual-action-bar
Android compatibility contextual action bar

In trying to follow the Android Design Guidelines, I'm running into a small quandary. I want to have a list …

android actionbarsherlock contextual-action-bar
How can you implement multi-selection and Contextual ActionMode in ActionBarSherlock?

How should I implement multi selection on AdapterView with ActionBarSherlock, because it does not provide MultiChoiceModeListener? This is what it …

android android-actionbar actionbarsherlock contextual-action-bar
Contextual Actionbar styles

I'm looking for style information on the Contextual Action bar (CAB). I just need to change the colour of the …

android android-actionbar contextual-action-bar
How to close an ActionMode menu programmatically on Honeycomb?

In my application there is a ListFragment where each item from the list contains a checkbox. Whenever the user clicks …

android android-fragments android-3.0-honeycomb contextual-action-bar
How to correctly handle action mode "done" button?

Possible Duplicate: How to invoke the ActionBar's ContextMenu-like behavior? How to recognize whether the Done button is clicked in ActionMode …

android android-actionbar actionbarsherlock contextual-action-bar
How to invoke the ActionBar's ContextMenu-like behavior?

In Android 3.0, when you select some text for example, the ActionBar switches to a ContextMenu-like mode, which enables you to …

android android-3.0-honeycomb contextual-action-bar
Overriding the default Contextual Action Bar for text selection(in WebView) in Android

I want to override the existing default Contextual Action Bar(CAB) for text selection. I mean, I want to display …

android android-webview contextual-action-bar
Android expanded SearchView makes other ActionBar items disappear

I'm facing some problems with a SearchView in a Contextual Action Bar called by a Fragment. The major one is …

android android-fragments searchview android-actionbar-compat contextual-action-bar