Top "Content-type" questions

The Content-Type entity-header field indicates the media type of the entity-body sent to the recipient or, in the case of the HEAD method, the media type that would have been sent had the request been a GET.

"Cannot complete this action" when trying to provision list instance with site TaxonomyField

Fair warning: The setup for this question is long, so be patient and stay with me. I have two features …

sharepoint content-type list-definition
How do you add custom menu actions programmatically in SharePoint?

I need to add a custom menu action to a custom content type programmatically in c#. This is because I …

sharepoint content-type custom-action
Versioning a RESTful API with both XML and JSON Content-Type

According to this excellent presentation on designing RESTful interfaces, the preferred way to implement versioning is to utilize the Accept-header, …

json rest content-type http-1.1 hateoas
Grails file upload - how to recognize file and/or content type?

I'm a Grails beginner, so please be patient with me. Currently I'm having hard times manipulating file uploads. As far …

grails file-upload content-type file-type
Azure Logic Apps - Get Blob Content - Setting Content type

The Azure Logic Apps action "Get Blob Content" doesn't allow us to set the return content-type. By default, it returns …

azure azure-storage-blobs content-type azure-logic-apps
video stream issue with multipart/x-mixed-replace content-type

Good day, I use an esp8266 module as server, with a camera module to stream jpeg images continuously through wifi. …

html video mime-types content-type multipart-mixed-replace
How to set content type = "application/json" in mule.?

I have a HTML file which consists of a Form and it takes certain parameters from the User and when …

content-type mule
HTML5 <script> declarations

Is it still necessary (or even good practice) when using HTML5 to declare the script type when using a script …

javascript html content-type
Android AsyncHttpClient - "Content-Type not allowed!" when downloading files

I'm using the AsyncHttpClient library from and have it calling web services fine to retrieve JSON …

android http content-type android-async-http
Can't set "Content-Type" for URLRequest in as3

I'm trying to set Content-Type for URLRequest headers to "application/json". Here is the code: var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("…

actionscript-3 json actionscript content-type urlrequest