Top "Android-async-http" questions

A Callback-Based Http Client Library for Android.

POSTing JSON/XML using android-async-http (loopj)

I am using android-async-http and really liking it. I've run into a problem with POSTing data. I have to post …

android rest post loopj android-async-http
how to make HTTPS calls using AsyncHttpClient?

i was using AsyncHttpClient link for making http calls but now our server has migrated to HTTPS and I am …

android networking https android-async-http
Send JSON as a POST request to server by AsyncHttpClient

I want to send JSON as a POST to my localhost server with LoopJ's AsndroidAsyncHttpt. I'm using this method: public …

android json android-async-http
Google Volley vs Android-Async-Http

I am looking into both these Android Http Networking libraries. I would like some peoples experiences with using the two …

android android-volley androidhttpclient android-async-http
LoopJ AndroidAsyncHttp and JSON POST ARRAY

I was using LoopJ AndroidAsyncHttp library to comunicate with my PhP Server. And i got a problem. I need to …

android json http post android-async-http
android-async-http post request with body

It's require to realize a function that user can send feedback to the server in the app.And I use …

android post android-async-http
Sugar ORM is not saving data into the database

I am currently using Sugar ORM and Android Async Http Client for my Android application. I read through the documentation …

android android-async-http sugarorm
Android AsyncHttpClient - "Content-Type not allowed!" when downloading files

I'm using the AsyncHttpClient library from and have it calling web services fine to retrieve JSON …

android http content-type android-async-http
How to upload multiple files with AsyncHttpClient Android

I know I can upload single file from AsyncHttpClient File myFile = new File("/path/to/file.…

android post multipart android-async-http
AsyncHttpClient Authentication failed

I trying to get authenticated from a website. I am using AsyncHttpClient. Heres the code that I am trying. Here …

android authentication android-async-http