Top "Content-type" questions

The Content-Type entity-header field indicates the media type of the entity-body sent to the recipient or, in the case of the HEAD method, the media type that would have been sent had the request been a GET.

AWS S3: Force File Download using 'response-content-disposition'

Few lines(below) generate signed URL to which browser is redirected to download a file from S3. I am facing …

browser amazon-web-services amazon-s3 content-type content-disposition
How can I access the "Content-Type" header of an NSHTTPURLResponse?

Here's my naive first pass code: var httpUrlResponse: NSHTTPURLResponse? // = (...get from server...) let contentType = httpUrlResponse?.allHeaderFields["Content-Type"] I've tried various …

ios swift content-type nshttpurlresponse
How to preserve the Content-Type header of a Tomcat HTTP response sent through an AJP connector to Apache using mod_proxy

I'm having a problem with an incorrect HTTP Response Content-Type header while accessing an Axis2 web service hosted in Tomcat …

apache tomcat proxy content-type axis2
How do I get a html5 file input to accept only certain file types consistently across browsers?

According to this answer on Stack Overflow, we can set the accept attribute of an <input type="file" /> …

html file-upload input content-type
Why do we need the meta content type tag in HTML head?

Why do we need to include the meta content type tag in HTML head like this? <head> <…

html content-type meta-tags
ASP.NET Web API content encoding

I've created an API.NET Web API. It uses the default utf-8 content encoding. I need the output to be … web-services content-type content-encoding
Sharepoint: What happens to lists based on content type when content type is updated?

I have kind of hypothetical question (at least for now :)) Let's say I create list based on some custom content-type. …

sharepoint content-type updating
MIME type issue in Angular

I am getting the following error when I try to load my home page and the page is blank. main-es2015.5…

angular mime-types content-type
How can I change the content-type of an object using aws cli?

I've got several objects stored in Amazon S3 whose content-type I need to change from text/html to application/rss+…

amazon-s3 command-line-interface content-type aws-cli