Top "Contains" questions

The "contains" operator/method is used to determine if an entity collection contains an element with a particular property.

Function in puppet for checking if a string contains another string

I would like to know if there is any way of checking if a string exists inside another string (ie …

regex contains puppet
XPath with multiple contains on different elements

Is it possible to have XPath expression with multiple contains of different element values? XML <data> <person&…

php xml xpath simplexml contains
IEnumerable<T>.Contains with predicate

I need just to clarify that given collection contains an element. I can do that via collection.Count(foo => …

c# linq ienumerable contains predicate
xpath to select nodes excluding by attribute value list

I would like to know if there is shorter approach to selecting a list of nodes ignoring the ones that …

xml xpath contains xmlnodelist
Understanding contains method of Java HashSet

Newbie question about java HashSet Set<User> s = new HashSet<User>(); User u = new User(); u.…

java contains hashset
jQuery :contains(regex)?

Is it possible to have a jQuery selector where the :contains() is a regular expression? I need to select an …

jquery regex selector contains
Java Hashset.contains() produces mysterious result

I don't usually code in Java, but recently I started not having a choice. I might have some major misunderstanding …

java equals hashcode contains hashset
mongoose — check if ObjectId exists in an array

Following is an example model: UserModel == { name: String, friends: [ObjectId], } friends corresponds to a list of id of objects of …

node.js mongodb mongoose contains
Android: How to check if a path contains touched point?

I would try to develop an application in which I can draw a planimetry. So, each room has got its …

android path drawable contains android-canvas
URL "starts with" using regex?

Say I have the following url: How can I create a regex that will match any …

javascript regex string contains startswith