Top "Contains" questions

The "contains" operator/method is used to determine if an entity collection contains an element with a particular property.

If Computer Name Contains

I need to create a batch file that moves computer name object in Active Directory only if computer name contains …

if-statement batch-file contains computer-name
Inner-join in sql with contains condition

I have 2 tables like this, Table1 Id Locations -- --------- 1 India, Australia 2 US , UK Table2 Table2Id Location -------- -------- 101 …

sql inner-join contains exacttarget
How Does List<T>.Contains() Find Matching Items?

I have a list of car objects List<Car> cars = GetMyListOfCars(); and i want to see if a …

c# .net list collections contains
List.contains() fails while .equals() works

I have an ArrayList of Test objects, which use a string as the equivalency check. I want to be able …

java list equals contains
Substring from starting to point to next comma Report Builder

I have a dataset result that contains graph values but it's contained in an odd format as follows; [[42016,44969],[{"name":"$41,000/year …

reporting-services substring contains reportbuilder3.0
Treeset.contains() problem

So I've been struggling with a problem for a while now, figured I might as well ask for help here. …

java contains treeset
One-to-one mapping data structure (A,B) with getKey(B) in O(1)?

This question was initially misphrased, see the EDIT below. I'll leave it up for context. I've been thinking about smart …

java contains one-to-one
How to check if a string contains any element of a List<string>?

I have an if statement, where I would like to check, if a string contains any item of a list&…

c# string list contains
Google Docs Spreadsheet display data from row matching a criteria

Basically, I would like Sheet 1 to pull data FROM Sheet 2, renamed to 'Loot'. However, the data that is pulled from …

filter spreadsheet google-docs contains
SQL Server Full-Text Search for exact match with fallback

First off there seems to be no way to get an exact match using a full-text search. This seems to …

sql-server-2008 full-text-search contains exact-match