Top "Contains" questions

The "contains" operator/method is used to determine if an entity collection contains an element with a particular property.

What is the idiomatic scala way of finding, if a given string contains a given substring?

I have two strings in scala and I want to find out, if the bigger string (needle) contains a smaller …

regex string scala substring contains
Tell if string contains a-z chars

I very new to programming. I want to check if a string s contains a-z characters. I use: if(s.…

java string contains
Pandas: Check if row exists with certain values

I have a two dimensional (or more) pandas DataFrame like this: >>> import pandas as pd >>&…

python pandas contains
xpath: find a node that has a given attribute whose value contains a string

Is there an xpath way to find a node that has a given attribute whose value contains a given string? …

xml xpath contains
Add items to a collection if the collection does NOT already contain it by comparing a property of the items?

Basically, how do I make it so I can do something similar to: CurrentCollection.Contains(...), except by comparing if the …

c# linq collections contains
check if value already exists

I have dictionary which holds my books: Dictionary<string, book> books Book definiton: class book { string author { get; …

c# dictionary contains
Better way to detect if a string contains multiple words

I am trying to create a program that detects if multiple words are in a string as fast as possible, …

java string substring contains
ArrayList's custom Contains method

I have some object class A { private Long id; private String name; public boolean equals(Long v) { return…

java arraylist contains
C# enum contains value

I have an enum enum myEnum2 { ab, st, top, under, below} I would like to write a function to test …

c# enums contains
Fastest way to check if a List<String> contains a unique String

Basically I have about 1,000,000 strings, for each request I have to check if a String belongs to the list or …

java string performance list contains