Files that configure the initial settings for some computer programs.
I have an exe with an App.Config file. Now I want to create a wrapper dll around the exe …
c# .net configuration-files appsettings system.configurationIt is said that matplotlibrc configuration files are used to customize all kinds of properties in matplotlib, that one can …
python matplotlib configuration customization configuration-filesfor configuration as following <MyCollection default="one"> <entry name="one" ... other attrubutes /> ... other entries </MyCollection&…
c# .net-4.0 configuration-filesI would like to store HTML snippets inside a YAML file. What is the best way to do that? Something …
yaml configuration-files code-snippets markupPython's standard library has modules for configuration file parsing (configparser), environment variable reading (os.environ), and command-line argument parsing (argparse). …
python environment-variables command-line-arguments configuration-filesI used Nlog for logging purpose in a particular DLL. The DLL is then used in another application (it is …
c# configuration configuration-files nlog nlog-configurationI'm a new Windows programmer and I'm not sure where I should store user configurable application settings. I understand the …
windows registry settings configuration-files iniOK, so I don't want to start a holy-war here, but we're in the process of trying to consolidate the …
java xml json cross-platform configuration-filesI'm reading encrypted credentials/connection strings from a config file. Resharper tells me, "String.IndexOf(string) is culture-specific here" on …
c# resharper configuration-files cultureinfo string-comparisonHere in my project I have two application configuration files called app.config and accessLevel.config. Now using the OpenExeConfiguration …
c# app-config configuration-files config configurationmanager