Top "Configuration-files" questions

Files that configure the initial settings for some computer programs.

Enter LDAP Password keeps saying ldap_bind: Invalid credentials (49)

I looked everywhere for a solution to my problem but still didn't find it. I have these two simple files …

configuration-files openldap
Modify config file using bash script

I'm writing a bash script to modify a config file which contains a bunch of key/value pairs. How can …

bash configuration-files
Android Config File

What is the best way and how to set up a config file for a application? I want the application …

android configuration configuration-files
WCF Configuration without a config file

Does anyone know of a good example of how to expose a WCF service programatically without the use of a …

wcf configuration configuration-files
Read custom configuration file in C# (Framework 4.0)

I am developing an application in C# under Framework 4.0. In my application I would like to create separate configuration file …

c# configuration configuration-files
Use of AuthConfig, BundleConfig, FilterConfig , RouteConfig and WebApiConfig in App_Start() folder in MVC

Can you please explain in detail, the use of App_Start() folder in MVC4? I see that this folder is … configuration-files
How to Create a configuration File For MongoDB

I have installed mongodb for mac os through 10gen and I have gone through the documentation to do so. Everything …

macos mongodb configuration-files
How to set authorization in mongodb config file?

I run mongod.exe in server with this option in cmd.exe: mongod.exe --dbpath=path --auth And now, how …

mongodb authentication configuration-files
Why does Visual Studio tell me that the AddJsonFile() method is not defined?

I'm developing an ASP.NET 5 WebAPI project using VS Ultimate 2015 Preview. I'm trying to configure the app in this way (…

c# configuration configuration-files config.json
Correct implementation of a custom config section with nested collections?

In a web application, I want to be able to define some mapping using a config section like this: <…

c# configuration configuration-files configurationsection