Top "Configurable-product" questions

A Magento product that has customizable options, which may be automatically copied to new products based on parent configurable product.

Show product attributes in list.phtml - Magento

Hello I have read many posts about this, and while it works its not complete. For example; Attribute 1= shoesize and …

php arrays magento for-loop configurable-product
Add new attribute to existing configurable product magento

I have around 500 configurable products that I need to add a new attribute to. For example, they already have Color …

php magento configurable-product
Magento add product size and attribute inventory

I think this is a common situation, I'm selling clothes and shoes and I need to have an option for …

magento configurable-product
Magento: Different products in the different store views under the same store?

I have multi website, multi stored Magento shop, and I have a need to make some products available in one …

magento configurable-product
Magento, add Clothing size attribute without Configurable Product

I want a simple way to let my user pick there clothing size before buy but Configurable Product seems like …

php attributes magento configurable configurable-product
Show inventory of simple product of configurable products in Magento

I am quite new to Magento. As far as I understand, I need to form configurable products, to manage different …

magento inventory configurable-product
How to check if Configurable Product is out of stock?

We all know that a configurable product in magento is associated with simple product. If the simple products associated to …

magento inventory configurable-product
How to create configurable product using magento api?

How can I create a configurable product using the Magento api?

api magento configurable-product
How to check if a product is a simple product

I know how to check if a product is configurable or not. I also got how to check if a …

magento configurable-product
Magento - Call to undefined method Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Type_Simple::getConfigurableAttributesAsArray

I'm getting the following error when I hit a configurable product using the saveRow method from /app/code/local/Mage/…

magento configurable-product