I have around 500 configurable products that I need to add a new attribute to.
For example, they already have Color as an attribute. How would I go about adding Size to the existing configurable products?
Adding the attribute to the attribute set and then updating all the simple products' attributes is not sufficient. Magento asks what 'configurable attributes' to use when you initially create a configurable product; the new attribute will therefore not be applied to existing configurable product(s) and their child products. I've tested the below DB workaround hack on CE 1.6.2 and it seems to be working:
’ and look at the last one, note the ‘attribute id’, also note the product id -> go to catalog_product_entity
and look for the configurable product you want, and note entity_id
-> this is the product_id catalog_product_super_attribute
and insert new record with product_id and attribute_id
, note of the product_super_attribute_id
and insert new record with product_super_attribute_id
and the value of your new attribute, like ‘Color’ or ‘Size’ which you used when adding the attribute in the admin credit: http://www.magentocommerce.com/boards/viewthread/43288/#t330918