Top "Conda" questions

Conda is a package management and environment management system.

Add conda to path in fish

~> conda install pandas fish: Unknown command 'conda' I understand that I need to add conda to PATH, but no …

fish conda
Activating Python Virtual Environment in Atom

Don't have much expertise in programming. Only picked up Python last summer. I have installed both Atom and Conda on …

python package atom-editor conda virtual-environment
InvalidArchiveError when executing conda install notebook

I have conda 4.8.1 running on windows 10 enterprise edition and it is showing me following error whenever I try to install …

python-3.x jupyter-notebook conda miniconda
Install Dlib in Anaconda Python

I'm trying to install the dlib package in Anaconda by running the following: conda install -c menpo dlib I'm getting …

python python-3.x anaconda conda dlib
Why do I get EnvironmentNotWritableError while installing eli5

I'm new to Python (1 month into Python). Trying to install eli5 to Python. I used conda install -c conda-forge eli5 …

python installation anaconda conda anaconda3
Expected a bytes object, got a 'int' object erro with cudf

I have a pandas dataframe, all the columns are objects type. I am trying to convert it to cudf by …

pandas dataframe conda cudf
How to install cvxopt on on windows 10 on python 3.6

How do I install cvxopt on windows 10 on python 3.6? When running conda install cvxopt Fetching package metadata ........... Solving package specifications: . …

anaconda jupyter python-3.6 conda cvxopt
Error : Failed to create temp directory "C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\conda-<RANDOM>\"

When I try to Activate "conda activate tensorflow_cpu" conda activate tensorflow_cpu Error : Failed to create temp directory "C:\…

python tensorflow anaconda conda temp
Warning after I run the command "conda env create -f environment.yml"

After I run the conda env create -f environment.yml in Conda, I receive the following warning: Warning : you have …

python pip conda flow-project
Installing Pyomo on Windows with Anaconda (Python)

I would like to solve LP and ILP with Pyomo (Coopr) but unfortunately I am so newbie and I cannot …

python windows anaconda conda pyomo