Top "Conda" questions

Conda is a package management and environment management system.

Cannot install latest nodejs using conda on Mac

When I run conda search -c conda-forge nodejs, I get: # Name Version Build Channel ... nodejs 14.2.0 h2c41780_1 conda-forge nodejs 14.2.0 h38…

node.js conda conda-forge
resetting conda channel priorities

I am having issues with conda. After running commands such as: conda install -c /my_conda_channel numpy --offline --override-channels …

anaconda conda channel
Create conda environment: "Found conflicts!" when solving environment and "Finding shortest conflict path" running forever

I was provided with an environment.ubuntu.yml file to be able to create a conda environment. However, running conda …

python ubuntu dependencies conda environment
How to ensure that Spyder runs within a conda environment?

I created a conda environment called testenv in Windows 10 that contains Python 3.6 and Spyder. I also installed Selenium using the …

python spyder conda
PyInstaller with Pandas creates over 500 MB exe

I try to create an exe file using PyInstaller 3.2.1, for test purpose I tried to make an exe for following …

python pandas anaconda conda pyinstaller
Best way to execute a python script in a given conda environment

I want to execute a python script from another python script using the subprocess package. The …

python subprocess environment conda
Conda set LD_LIBRARY_PATH for env only

I have an installation of miniconda3 where I have created a virtual environment called py35. I have some libraries that …

python anaconda virtualenv conda
Explanation of different conda channels

What are the major conda channels, and what are their focuses? I can't seem to find any documentation on what …

anaconda conda channels miniconda
How to install python3.9 with conda?

I'm trying to install python 3.9 in a conda enviroment. I tried creating a new conda env using the following command, …

python conda python-3.9
why does conda update downgrade some libraries

For m, on OS X, conda update --all often downgrades libraries - along with updating many. Is this usual? Or …

anaconda conda