Top "Concatenation" questions

Refers to the joining of two or more elements into a single element.

How do I append lists in Prolog?

How do I append lists in Prolog? I've searched on the Internet and I found this (from http://www.csupomona.…

list prolog append concatenation
String concatenation without '+' operator

I was playing with python and I realized we don't need to use '+' operator to concatenate strings unless …

python string optimization concatenation string-concatenation
Concatenate rows of a data frame

I would like to take a data frame with characters and numbers, and concatenate all of the elements of the …

r vector concatenation paste r-factor
Concatenate numerical values in a string

I would like to store this output in a string: > x=1:5 > cat("hi",x) hi 1 2 3 4 5 So I use …

string r concatenation paste cat
Concatenate in bash the output of two commands without newline character

What I need: Suppose I have two commands, A and B, each of which returns a single-line string (i.e., …

regex bash sed pipe concatenation
How can I do string concatenation, or string replacement in YAML?

I have this: user_dir: /home/user user_pics: /home/user/pics How could I use the user_dir for …

concatenation yaml
How to concatenate twice with the C preprocessor and expand a macro as in "arg ## _ ## MACRO"?

I am trying to write a program where the names of some functions are dependent on the value of a …

c concatenation token c-preprocessor
How to initialize IEnumerable<Object> that be empty and allow to Concat to it?

I tried this code for adding b to books: IEnumerable<Book> books =null; foreach (Book b in context.…

c# linq linq-to-entities concatenation argumentnullexception
How can I cat multiple files together into one without intermediary file?

Here is the problem I'm facing: I am string processing a text file ~100G in size. I'm trying to improve …

unix concatenation cat
Reversing a List in Prolog

I have finished a homework assignment for my programming class. I was supposed to create a Prolog program that reverses …

list prolog concatenation reverse head