Top "Argumentnullexception" questions

[MSDN] The exception that is thrown when a null reference is passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument.

How to initialize IEnumerable<Object> that be empty and allow to Concat to it?

I tried this code for adding b to books: IEnumerable<Book> books =null; foreach (Book b in context.…

c# linq linq-to-entities concatenation argumentnullexception
Value cannot be null, ArgumentNullException

I am currently trying to return an array which contains information about a seat at a theate such as Seat …

c# arrays combobox argumentnullexception
SQL PL/SQL user defined multiple exception error handling (null)

I'm trying to write a stored procedure that will have 2 exception errors. Create table Employee (emp_num varchar(10) primary key, …

exception-handling plsql argumentnullexception image save to memory stream results in an ArgumentNullException

In VB.NET I have the following function that allows me to calculate a hash for an image I have … image memorystream argumentnullexception
ArgumentNullException was unhandled - Value cannot be null. Parameter name: first

I am currently using the DotSpatial library for .NET (GIS Library). I am getting an error within my AppManager class. …

c# .net stack-trace argumentnullexception
Create class instance from string

I have a C# method which creates a new instance of a class from a string, however, I get an …

c# reflection class instance argumentnullexception
Is there any reason to throw a DivideByZeroException?

Are there any cases when it's a good idea to throw errors that can be avoided? I'm thinking specifically of …

c# exception-handling argumentnullexception dividebyzeroexception
ArgumentNullException message without parameter name

I am throwing ArgumentNullException in part of my code in C#. I want to catch and display the error message …

c# exception exception-handling argumentexception argumentnullexception
Why does this string extension method not throw an exception?

I've got a C# string extension method that should return an IEnumerable<int> of all the indexes of …

c# null comparison ienumerable argumentnullexception