Top "Computer-science" questions

Computer science (CS) is the science behind programming.

What exactly is the halting problem?

Whenever people ask about the halting problem as it pertains to programming, people respond with "If you just add one …

computer-science halting-problem
What is the difference between recursive and recursively enumerable languages

I was wondering what the difference between recursive and recursively enumerable languages is in terms of halting and Turing Machines. …

computer-science theory computation-theory turing-machines formal-languages
Does "untyped" also mean "dynamically typed" in the academic CS world?

I'm reading a slide deck that states "JavaScript is untyped." This contradicted what I thought to be true so I …

javascript types computer-science typing
NP-hard problems that are not NP-complete are harder?

From my understanding, all NP-complete problems are NP-hard but some NP-hard problems are known not to be NP-complete, and NP-hard …

computer-science complexity-theory p-np
SCAN and CSCAN algorithm

I am having hard time understanding the working of SCAN and CSCAN algorithm of disk scheduling.I understood FCFS,Closest …

operating-system computer-science disk disk-io
Dynamic programming - Coin change decision

I'm reviewing some old notes from my algorithms course and the dynamic programming problems are seeming a bit tricky to …

algorithm computer-science dynamic-programming
How helpful is knowing lambda calculus?

To all the people who know lambda calculus: What benefit has it bought you, regarding programming? Would you recommend that …

math functional-programming computer-science lambda-calculus
Where should a beginner start with computer vision?

I'm an undergrad who finds computer vision to be fascinating. Where should somebody brand new to computer vision begin?

language-agnostic computer-science computer-vision
how to obtain a single channel value image from HSV image in opencv 2.1?

I am a beginner in opencv. I am using opencv v2.1. I have converted an RGB image to HSV image. …

opencv image-processing computer-vision computer-science hsv
What is the difference between monotonicity and the admissibility of a heuristic?

I'm reading over my AI textbook and I'm curious about what the difference is between monotonicity and admissibility of heuristics (…

computer-science artificial-intelligence heuristics