Top "Computer-science" questions

Computer science (CS) is the science behind programming.

What books should I read to have an undergraduate education in Computer Science?

I've always been a largely independent learner gleaning what I can from Wikipedia and various books. However, I fear that …

Implementing an N process barrier using semaphores

I'm currently training for an OS exam with previous iterations and I came across this: Implement a "N Process Barrier", …

operating-system computer-science semaphore systems-programming barrier
How to determine the height of a recursion tree from a recurrence relation?

How does one go about determining the height of a recursion tree, built when dealing with recurrence run-times? How does …

recursion tree computer-science recurrence proof
Difference between a Computer Scientist and Computer programmer

What is the difference between a Computer Scientist and a Computer Programmer? What is the difference in the actual work …

Difference between compiled and interpreted languages?

What are the relative strengths and weaknesses of compiled and interpreted languages?

compilation programming-languages computer-science interpreter
Calculate minimal operations to make two tree structures identical

This is more of a CS question, but an interesting one : Let's say we have 2 tree structures with more or …

algorithm tree comparison diff computer-science
Heap Sort: how to sort?

I'm trying to implement Heap Sort in Python, but I can't seem to get it right. I've tried to implement …

python sorting computer-science heapsort
What does it mean to do/determine something "programmatically"?

Programmatically. (alt. programmically) I've never used it, but I see it in questions a lot, i.e. "How to programmatically …

computer-science terminology
Why is Binary Search a divide and conquer algorithm?

I was asked if a Binary Search is a divide and conquer algorithm at an exam. My answer was yes, …

algorithm data-structures computer-science binary-search divide-and-conquer
Confused between Temporal and Spatial locality in real life code

I was reading this question, I wanted to ask more about the code that he showed i.e for(i = 0; …

computer-science spatial computer-architecture temporal