Top "Temporal" questions

Confused between Temporal and Spatial locality in real life code

I was reading this question, I wanted to ask more about the code that he showed i.e for(i = 0; …

computer-science spatial computer-architecture temporal
See if the current time falls within a specific range of time in the current day in Java

I am sure this was done 1000 times in 1000 different places. The question is I want to know if there is …

java datetime date temporal
Spatial vs. Temporal locality

I understand the definitions of the terms, but I am having trouble applying their concepts to code. For an exercise, …

c spatial temporal
Principal component analysis (PCA) of time series data: spatial and temporal pattern

Suppose I have yearly precipitation data for 100 stations from 1951 to 1980. In some papers, I find people apply PCA to the …

r spatial pca temporal
The best mechanism for alter columns of system versioning tables (Temporal Table)?

I have a system-versioning table with history table related as follows: CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ExpenseCenter_Archive]( [ExpenseCenterId] [tinyint] NOT NULL, […

sql-server sql-server-2016 temporal
The difference between 2 Instants in Calendar Days

So I'm trying to get a specific number with my code. Right now I have: Instant Today = 2018-07-17T13:45:00…

java temporal java.time.instant
How can I use System-Versioned Temporal Table with Entity Framework?

I can use temporal tables in SQL Server 2016. Entity Framework 6 unfortunately does not know this feature yet. Is there the …

c# sql entity-framework sql-server-2016 temporal