A Turing machine is an idealized model of computation consisting of a finite-state control, an infinite tape holding information, and a read head positioned somewhere over the tape.
What does the expression "Turing Complete" mean? Can you give a simple explanation, without going into too many theoretical details?
theory turing-machines turing-completeWhat is a Turing machine and why do people keep mentioning it? My IBM PC is all I need to …
computer-science theory turing-machines computabilityBackground The Von-Neumann architecture describes the stored-program computer where instructions and data are stored in memory and the machine works …
computer-science cpu-architecture turing-machines von-neumannI was wondering what the difference between recursive and recursively enumerable languages is in terms of halting and Turing Machines. …
computer-science theory computation-theory turing-machines formal-languagesI am really struggling with understanding the difference between these two. From my textbook, it essentially describes the difference by …
theory turing-machines computation-theoryI am now taking a course on Theory of Computation. I can understand the concepts well. I can able to …
finite-automata computation-theory turing-machinesI am listening the edX lesson, and the professor stresses that every machine able to perform those six basic primitives …
turing-machines turing-completeI do not the understand the concept of Non Deterministic Turing Machine. I guess I understand the term Non deterministic …
algorithm state turing-machines non-deterministicI happen to need an algorithm for a turing machine that reads a string of 0's and then writes on …
algorithm binary turing-machinesI have to determine whether a language (for example L={a^n b^m c^s | 0<=n<=m&…
recursion computer-science context-free-grammar turing-machines