Top "Comparison" questions

Questions about data comparison and efficient ways to accomplish it.

GroupBy on complex object (e.g. List<T>)

Using GroupBy() and Count() > 1 I'm trying to find duplicate instances of my class in a list. The class looks …

c# linq comparison grouping
What are the default comparison operators for objects?

I found a bug in my code where I forgot to use a custom comparator when sorting a container of …

c++ comparison comparison-operators
Can I do a "string contains X" with a percentage accuracy in python?

I need to do some OCR on a large chunk of text and check if it contains a certain string …

python string comparison ocr
Is comparing two void pointers to different objects defined in C++?

Inspired by this answer about dynamic cast to void*: ... bool eqdc(B* b1, B *b2) { return dynamic_cast<void*&…

c++ comparison void-pointers language-lawyer
c++ \ Convert FILETIME to seconds

How can I convert FILETIME to seconds? I need to compare two FILETIME objects.. I found this, but seems like …

c++ windows comparison filetime
php comparing dates for day change

I have found hundreds of questions and answers for topics SIMILAR to this on SO, however, none match my needs …

php date comparison datetime-comparison
objective c - delegate and events

I am looking for good example code for using delegate and events in objective c? i am familiar with delegate …

objective-c events delegates comparison selector
How different is CakePHP from Ruby on Rails?

I almost never hear the word CakePHP without hearing the word Rails shortly afterwards. Are these two frameworks mainly similar …

php ruby-on-rails cakephp comparison
Chained comparison number range in Python

I have the following function: def InRange(number): return 5 <= number >= 1 I want this to say false if the …

python comparison chained
Suitability of Rails, Padrino, and Sinatra for building a prepaid mobile service

I am working on an application in the Mobile/VOIP domain. This is really a gray area for me. Here …

ruby-on-rails ruby comparison sinatra padrino