Top "Comparison" questions

Questions about data comparison and efficient ways to accomplish it.

how to compare two fields in a document in pipeline aggregation (mongoDB)

I have a document like below : { "user_id": NumberLong(1), "updated_at": ISODate("2016-11-17T09:35:56.200Z"), "created_at": ISODate("2016-11…

mongodb comparison aggregation-framework document pipeline
Difference between elevation and translationZ

I tried both features and I don't know really why I should use elevation instead of translationz or viceversa. Both …

android comparison android-elevation
What's the difference between identical(x, y) and isTRUE(all.equal(x, y))?

Is there any difference between testing isTRUE(all.equal(x, y)) and identical(x, y)? The help page says: Don't …

r comparison equality built-in floating-point-comparison
obj.nil? vs. obj == nil

Is it better to use obj.nil? or obj == nil and what are the benefits of both?

ruby null comparison
Implementing SIFT in Java

So I'm working on a simple Java app that allows a user to input an image as a query and …

java image comparison sift
Testing for bitwise Enum values

I haven't really used bitwise enums before, and I just want to make sure my testing is correct. I am …

c# enums comparison bit-manipulation bit
T-SQL speed comparison between LEFT() vs. LIKE operator

I'm creating result paging based on first letter of certain nvarchar column and not the usual one, that usually pages …

tsql comparison sql-like
Python Pandas If value in column B = equals [X, Y, Z] replace column A with "T"

Say I have this array: A, B 1, G 2, X 3, F 4, Z 5, I If column B equals [X, Y or Z] …

python pandas comparison multiple-columns
Compare Enums in SpEL

At Spring's @Cacheable annotation I want to specify an unless condition. However my return value is neither a primitive type …

java spring enums comparison spring-el
Python pairwise comparison of elements in a array or list

Let me elaborate my question using a simple example.I have a=[a1,a2,a3,a4], with all ai being …

python arrays numpy comparison rank