Top "Filetime" questions

Use this tag for questions related to Windows FILETIME data structure.

How to get File Time in C++

i am having a problem in getting the File Time Creation.. could anyone know how to get the FILE time?? …

c++ windows winapi filetime
Convert Unix/Linux time to Windows FILETIME

I am once again going from Windows to Linux, I have to port a function from Windows to Linux that …

c porting datetime-conversion time-t filetime
Can a batch file change the system date; save file with attributes; change date back to current date?

Can a batch file change the system date; save file with attributes; change date back to current date? Goal to …

windows batch-file systemtime file-attributes filetime
not being able to convert from FILETIME (windows time) to dateTime ( I get a different date )

Most of the files I read get the right time when using the following method to convert: // works great most …

c# datetime datetime-format filetime
Convert server UTC time to client local time

I get from server native (C++) application a FILETIME structure in UTC format. On the managed (C#) client side I …

c# c++ timezone filetime
c++ \ Convert FILETIME to seconds

How can I convert FILETIME to seconds? I need to compare two FILETIME objects.. I found this, but seems like …

c++ windows comparison filetime
PHP last modification time of the remote file

I want to get last modification time of the remote file. I am using this code I found here on …

php curl filetime
Latest possible FILETIME

I'm creating a mock object to test my application so that it works at the boundary conditions of time. I'm …

c++ windows utc filetime