Top "Compare" questions

The analysis required to assess the differences and similarities between two or more entities.

Difference between previoussibling and previouselementsibling-javascript

I wonder if I know What is the difference between javascript previoussibling and previouselementsibling. I tried and I didn't find …

javascript dom compare element siblings
How should I compare Perl references?

I want to check if two references point to the same object. It seems I can simply use if ($ref1 == $…

perl reference compare
Check if current time is between two times, with the possibility of lapping days

I have a system that accepts user submissions, and upon receiving a submission the system will go through all timeslots …

php time compare strtotime
Compare two files with Aptana

I remember that before I updated my Aptana installation it had the ability to compare two selected files via right-click …

diff compare aptana aptana3