Microsoft .Net Compact Framework (compact-framework, .netcf) is a constrained version of Microsoft .Net Framework designed for limited resource devices such as mobile phones, personal digital assistants and other embedded devices.
My company is thinking of switching to these handheld units:…
c# visual-studio visual-studio-2012 compact-framework windows-embedded-compactWe work extensively in the .Net Compact Framework and Windows Mobile. I've seen plenty of questions come up regarding specifics …
.net windows-mobile compact-frameworkThe compiler does a great job of optimising for RELEASE builds, but occasionally it can be useful to ensure that …
c# .net optimization compact-framework compiler-optimizationFieldInfo has an IsStatic member, but PropertyInfo doesn't. I assume I'm just overlooking what I need. Type type = someObject.GetType(); …
c# reflection compact-frameworkI have the following code in my application that is running after an unhandled exception: AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(…
c# compact-framework windows-mobile-6The legacy code does it this way: public bool isValidField(string tableName, string fieldName) { bool retVal; string tblQuery = string.Format("…
c# sql compact-framework sql-server-ce windows-ceHow do you get the current directory where your app is running?
windows-mobile compact-frameworkI'm trying to create a DataGridTableStyle object so that I can control the column widths of a DataGrid. I've created …
c# datagrid compact-framework bindingsource datagridtablestyleI am working on a smartphone application, where I have a DataGrid in winform. I want to get the value …
.net datagrid compact-framework smartphoneI have a .NET 2.0 application that runs on Compact Framework. It has a bunch of different forms that were all …
c# winforms compact-framework .net-2.0 windows-ce