Top "Common-lisp" questions

Common Lisp is a standardized version of the Lisp programming language intended for production-strength power.

Can I use Common Lisp for SICP or is Scheme the only option?

Also, even if I can use Common Lisp, should I? Is Scheme better?

lisp scheme common-lisp sicp
How to convert byte array to string in Common Lisp?

I'm calling a funny API that returns a byte array, but I want a text stream. Is there an easy …

common-lisp sbcl
Clojure keyword arguments

In Common Lisp you can do this: (defun foo (bar &key baz quux) (list bar baz quux)) (foo 1 :quux 3 :…

binding clojure lisp common-lisp params-keyword
In Emacs, what does this error mean? "Warning: cl package required at runtime"

I am byte-compiling a module. It gives me this warning: Warning: cl package required at runtime Why is this a …

emacs lisp common-lisp
Python's range() analog in Common Lisp

How to create a list of consecutive numbers in Common Lisp? In other words, what is the equivalent of Python's …

python common-lisp number-sequence
When do you use "apply" and when "funcall"?

The Common Lisp HyperSpec says in the funcall entry that (funcall function arg1 arg2 ...) == (apply function arg1 arg2 ... nil) == (apply …

What's the difference between write, print, pprint, princ, and prin1?

I'm getting into some Lisp, and I've come across various different functions that to me appear to be doing the …

printing output lisp common-lisp
Writing lambda expressions in common lisp

I am currently reading ANSI Common Lisp by Paul Graham, and I have a question about writing lambda expressions. Do …

common-lisp lambda clisp
How to see docstrings and other symbol information in Common Lisp REPL?

I'm completely new to CL, and I'd like to learn how to read documentation strings and get other help information …

documentation lisp common-lisp read-eval-print-loop
How is Lisp dynamic and compiled?

I don't understand how Lisp can be compiled and dynamic. For a language to be able to manipulate and modify …

lisp common-lisp