Top "Common-lisp" questions

Common Lisp is a standardized version of the Lisp programming language intended for production-strength power.

Compiling Common Lisp to an executable

I recently started learning Common Lisp using SBCL. How can I compile my Lisp programs into a Windows binary?

build common-lisp sbcl
What's difference between defvar, defparameter, setf and setq

I found a Similar question. But I don't quite understand that explanation. So I'm trying to run clisp with the …

lisp common-lisp clisp
What is the convention for Lisp filename extension?

".el" is the convention for filename ending with Emacs Lisp programs. What is the convention when writing Common Lisp programs, …

lisp common-lisp filenames pathname
How to remove nested parentheses in LISP

How can I remove nested parentheses recursively in Common LISP Such as (unnest '(a b c (d e) ((f) …

lisp common-lisp parentheses
Best web framework in Common-lisp?

What is the best common-lisp web framework available? I'm looking for something that's suitable for developing commercial web applications and …

common-lisp web-frameworks
How many primitives does it take to build a LISP machine? Ten, seven or five?

On this site they say there are 10 LISP primitives. The primitives are: atom, quote, eq, car, cdr, cons, cond, lambda, …

clojure lisp scheme common-lisp primitive
Examples of excellent Common Lisp code?

I've learned enough Common Lisp to be able to muddle my way through writing an application. I've read Seibel's Practical …

lisp common-lisp
How do the various ANSI CL implementations differ?

When I started learning CL from Practical Common Lisp, as is preached in the book, I started off with Allegro …

lisp common-lisp
Executing a shell command from Common Lisp

How can i execute a shell (bash) command within a Common Lisp program and assign the output to a variable?

bash shell lisp exec common-lisp