I've learned enough Common Lisp to be able to muddle my way through writing an application. I've read Seibel's Practical Common Lisp
What libraries or programs should I be reading to understand the idioms, the Tao, of Common Lisp?
CL-PPCRE is often cited as a good example, for good reason. Actually, probably any of Edi Weitz's libraries will make good reading, but CL-PPCRE is particularly clever and it's a useful and impressive library. Beyond that a lot of CL implementations are written mostly in CL. It can be pretty productive to pick some part of CL that's usually implemented in CL and compare how different implementations handle it. In particular, some of the best examples of large useful macro systems are implementations of things in the standard. Loop is an interesting read, or if you're really ambitious you could compare a few implementations of CLOS.
If there's some area of computing you are particularly interested in it might be worth mentioning that, so people can tailor recommendations to that.