Top "Combinatorics" questions

Deals with combinations of entities belonging to a finite set in accordance with certain constraints.

Generate all possible combinations of the elements of some vectors (Cartesian product)

I would like to generate all the possible combinations of the elements of a given number of vectors. For example, …

matlab combinatorics cartesian-product
Generating all Possible Combinations

Given 2 arrays Array1 = {a,b,c...n} and Array2 = {10,20,15....x} how can I generate all possible combination as Strings a(…

c# combinatorics cartesian-product
Fast permutation -> number -> permutation mapping algorithms

I have n elements. For the sake of an example, let's say, 7 elements, 1234567. I know there are 7! = 5040 permutations possible of …

algorithm math permutation combinatorics
Cartesian product of 2 lists in Haskell

I wish to produce the Cartesian product of 2 lists in Haskell, but I cannot work out how to do it. …

haskell combinatorics cartesian-product
Get all permutations of a PHP array?

Given a PHP array of strings, e.g.: ['peter', 'paul', 'mary'] How to generate all possible permutations of elements of …

php permutation combinatorics
android lock password combinations

I just came across with this interesting question from my colleague. I'm trying now, but meanwhile I thought I could …

passwords combinations combinatorics
Calculating Binomial Coefficient (nCk) for large n & k

I just saw this question and have no idea how to solve it. can you please provide me with algorithms , …

c++ algorithm math combinatorics
How to loop through all the combinations of e.g. 48 choose 5

Possible Duplicate: How to iteratively generate k elements subsets from a set of size n in java? I want to …

java combinations combinatorics poker
all permutations of a binary sequence x bits long

I would like to find a clean and clever way (in python) to find all permutations of strings of 1s …

python algorithm combinatorics
Getting all possible combinations from a list of numbers

I'm looking for an efficient way to achieve this: you have a list of numbers 1.....n (typically: 1..5 or 1..7 or so …

c# algorithm combinatorics