Deals with combinations of entities belonging to a finite set in accordance with certain constraints.
I'm looking for the (hopefully built-in) function in Julia that calculates the number of combinations I could obviously implement my …
julia combinatorics countingGiven a set** S containing duplicate elements, how can one determine the total number all the possible subsets of S, …
language-agnostic math set combinatorics countingGenerate a list of lists (or print, I don't mind) a Pascal's Triangle of size N with the least lines …
algorithm code-golf combinatorics discrete-mathematics pascals-triangleI need to find the maximum number of topological sorts on Direct Acyclic Graph of N-order. I've checked by running …
math graph-theory combinatorics directed-acyclic-graphs topological-sort23 pupils from level A, 24 from level B and 30 from level C need to be assigned into three classes. The classes …
algorithm dynamic-programming combinatorics mathematical-optimization linear-programmingI am trying to derive the average case running time for deterministic linear search algorithm. The algorithm searches an element …
algorithm performance search combinatorics linear-search