Top "Color-space" questions

Color-space addresses the interface between human perception of color and the means of rendering this in a visual interface by means of coding.

Color similarity/distance in RGBA color space

How to compute similarity between two colors in RGBA color space? (where the background color is unknown of course) I …

similarity color-space remap argb rgba
Sorting a list of RGB triplets into a spectrum

I have a list of RGB triplets, and I'd like to plot them in such a way that they form …

python python-imaging-library color-space spectrum hsv
Converting JPEG colorspace (Adobe RGB to sRGB) on Windows (.Net)

I need to generate thumbnail and medium sized images from large photos. These smaller photos are for display in an …

.net rgb color-space
How can I generate a rainbow circle using HTML5 canvas?

I would like to generate a canvas image using gradients in some clever way. I would like the image to …

javascript canvas rgb color-space hsl
Emulate Photoshop's "Color Overlay" using CSS filters?

I have an icon which I'd like to change the color of, using CSS. It is in a data-uri'd optimized …

css image-manipulation hsv color-space css-filters