Top "Color-space" questions

Color-space addresses the interface between human perception of color and the means of rendering this in a visual interface by means of coding.

What's wrong with this RGB to XYZ color space conversion algorithm?

My goal is to convert an RGB pixel into CIELab color space for some special calculations only possible in CIELab. …

c algorithm image-processing colors color-space
converting XYZ color to RGB

color-primary transformations Does anyone know of any formula for converting a XYZ to an RGB value? how find rgb from …

formula rgb color-space
Generate unique colours

I want to draw some data into a texture: many items in a row. They aren't created in order, and …

algorithm visualization color-space
Converting RGB to HLS and back

I'm using python's colorsys library to convert RGB color values to HLS. Just to verify, I tried converting back to …

python colors rgb color-space
RGB to HSV conversion using PIL

I'm trying to automate the enhancement of some images that are to be transfered to a digital frame. I have …

python python-imaging-library color-space
How to perform Bilinear Interpolation on RGB values?

Given the black pixel coordinates, I could interpolate the coordinate values of the blue pixel via the mathematical equation y = …

image math image-processing color-space
NV12 format and UV plane

i am a little confused about the NV12 format. i am looking the this page to understand the format. What …

c# yuv color-space libyuv nv12-nv21
Why is color segmentation easier on HSV?

I've heard that if you need to do a color segmentation on your software (create a binary image from a …

colors computer-vision image-segmentation color-space hsv
OpenCV: convert Scalar to different color space

I am using a Scalar to define the color of a rectangle I am drawing with OpenCV: rectangle(imgOriginal, Point(0, 0), …

c++ opencv color-space
ImageMagick: convert keeps changing the colorspace to Gray. How to preserve sRGB colorspace?

I have a batch script that converts my PNG-24 (with Transparency) images to 50% and 25% size (for mobile development). Usually these …

imagemagick color-space