Top "Codesourcery" questions

CodeSourcery is a supplier of open-source "Sourcery CodeBench" toolchains (integrating GCC, GDB, etc.

set global gcc default search paths

when running arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc -print-search-dirs | grep libraries | sed 's/:/\n/g' I get the following output: libraries =/opt/codesourcery/lib/gcc/…

gcc cross-compiling glibc codesourcery
Cross-Compiling for RaspBerry Pi

With a RaspBerry Pi and from my computer, I'm trying to cross-compile a simple helloWorld written in C++. I'm using …

c++ cross-compiling codesourcery raspberry-pi
Error: Target CPU does not support ARM mode

I'm trying to cross=compile a simple program with inline assembly for a variety of ARM processors. It contains the …

c gcc arm cortex-m3 codesourcery
How to stop MinGW and MSYS from mangling path names given at the command line

On Windows, I'm cross-compiling a program for ARM/Linux using CodeSourcery's cross-compiler suite. I use MinGW MSYS as my command …

gcc mingw cross-compiling rpath codesourcery
Using OpenOCD for debugging STM32F1xx Discovery board (ST-Link)

I got some problems getting OpenOCD to communicate with my STM32F100RB Discovery board (it uses ST-Link). I am …

eclipse stm32 freertos codesourcery openocd
Arm sourcery toolchain linking error

I want to use standard c function in one of my function void print(const char* format,...) { char buffer[256]; va_…

linker arm gnu-toolchain codesourcery
Is it possible to run a native arm binary on a non-rooted android phone?

Well, I've been diving in the murky waters of low-level Android programming (native C/C++ using the CodeSourcery toolchain). I …

android android-ndk arm root codesourcery
When is .ARM.exidx is used

I am working on Contiki 2.7 with the mbxxx target. While building my code the linker complained about an overlap of .…

arm stm32 linker-scripts contiki codesourcery
Making use of -mfloat-abi=hard and -mfpu=vfp/neon Codesourcery Lite 2013.05-24

To make use of vfp or neon I added -mfpu=vfp and -mfloat-abi=hard to my cross compilation. The Programm …

floating-point embedded arm cross-compiling codesourcery
How to add directories to ld search path for a cross-compilation to ARM?

I am trying to configure util-linux to cross compile using arm-none-linux-gnueabi from CodeSourcery. My only problem so far is that …

path linker cross-compiling ld codesourcery